The Greedy boy

Once upon a time there was a greedy boy named George, he ate all the food so his whole village were nearly only bones and flesh. The village were so fed up they decided to play a trick on George...

They got all the food that they could find. They all went out at night when George was sleeping and made a long rope and tied the food on it. In the morning the village hid at the end of the rope. George woke up to the smell of food... he found the rope and followed it to the end, eating the food on the way. The villagers saw George and ran a rope around him. "HELP" George screamed the village rapped the rope around George and trapped him in a hole. They put mud and dirt over George so he couldn't get out. George was left to eat worms and dirt for the rest of his life. And they all lived haply ever after. 

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